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Marion FAQs

Print Marion FAQ sheet in English.
Print Marion FAQ sheet in Spanish.

What time does school start?

  • All students need to be in their seats, in their classrooms, ready to learn by 8:35 a.m.  Students who do not arrive to class before 8:40 are considered tardy (please note, each minute absent counts against a student’s attendance).  Please do not drop off students at school or on the schools grounds before 8:10 a.m., student supervision is not available on or before this time.  If your child is a walker, please help him/her arrive no earlier than 8:10 a.m.

What time is breakfast?

  • Breakfast is available from 8:10 to 8:35 a.m.

Is breakfast free? / Is lunch free?

  • Yes!  All students are welcome to eat breakfast and lunch at school FREE of charge, regardless of their ability to pay.

What should my child wear to school?

  • Boys wear shirts with shorts, slacks or jeans. Sagging pants are not allowed, and parents will be called to provide a belt.
  • Girls wear shorts, slacks, jeans, dresses or skirts with shirts or blouses.
  • We expect clothing to cover children's chests, abdomen, buttocks and hips. If your child wears hip-huggers, his/her shirt needs to be long enough to cover undergarments and skin when sitting, bending and stretching.
  • Distracting makeup or hair color, tattoos that disrupt the educational process and items associated with violence, drugs, intimidation or other criminal activity are not allowed. See the Ritenour Parent-Student Handbook for additional details on appropriate clothing.
  • Gym shoes are needed for physical education. Flip-flops and shoes with wheels are not permitted.
  • Please leave expensive or sentimental jewelry in the safety of your home.

What should I do if I have questions about my child's progress or class?

  • Your child’s teacher is the best source of information.
  • Our teachers have email and voice mail.  Please be advised that a parent call during instructional time will be transferred to the voice mail and the teacher will contact the parent directly.
  • We have parent conferences in September and March; please know that you can request conferences at other times, as needed.

What about planners?

  • Planners (assignment books) are sold at school for children in grades 3, 4 and 5.  Student desks do not accommodate zippered binders, and therefore are not permitted.

What time is dismissal?

  • School ends at 3:25 p.m. We strongly encourage students to attend the entire school day.  Every student is expected to go home as agreed upon at registration unless our office has received written instructions that vary.  Our secretaries may be unable to relay messages to students (including requests for early dismissal) after 3 p.m.

    In the event of illness or other serious emergency, please come directly to the office.  You will need to sign your child out.  We may ask for proof of identification.  Emergency contacts listed on the enrollment form may be called upon if a parent is unavailable and the student needs to go home.  Students will not be released to your Emergency Contact unless we are unable to reach you (the parent) or you have contacted us (preferably in writing) to let us know that your Emergency Contact will be taking your child home.

Can I pick up after 3:25?

  • Members of the Marion staff are not available for supervision after 3:25 p.m.  If you have an emergency, a one- time exception can be made.  If you will be late on a regular basis, you will need to make child care arrangements through the YMCA’s Latchkey program.

Where should I avoid parking at dismissal time?

  • Parking is not permitted on either side of Sims Avenue at dismissal.  The lot in front of the school is not available for parking or pick-up between 3 and 3:35 p.m.  Parking along the fire lane is not permitted at any time.

May my child ride a bike to school?

  • Students in fourth and fifth grades may ride a bike to school with written permission from parent on file in the office (yearly renewal is required). Students must wear a helmet, and their bikes must be locked at the bike rack.

Who can ride the bus?

  • Ritenour buses students who live more than one mile from their home school or who must cross a hazardous roadway.

    The bus will not drop kindergarten or first grade students at a stop unless an adult is present to receive them. If an adult is not present to receive your kindergartner or first-grader from the bus, the bus driver will bring the child back to school.

My child takes medication during the day. What do I need to know?

  • Written permission is needed from the parent and the physician for all medication (including over-the-counter medications).  All medications needs to be in the original container and given to the school nurse

Are there day care centers that provide transportation service to Marion?

  • In addition to the YMCA’s Latchkey program (962-9450) that is housed at Marion, several day care centers provide van service to Marion.  A list is available in the office.

What can I do to help the school?

  • Please keep your contact information – telephone numbers for you and your Emergency Contacts, up to date.  It is important that we are able to reach you during the day in case of an emergency involving your child.

Who do I call if I still have questions?

  • If, after reading this, you have additional questions, please be sure to call our office.  We are always happy to help and serve you and your children.

    Marion Office: (314) 493-6400
    Mrs. Jesseca Hankins - Office Professional (front desk) and Mrs. Nilsa M. Avila - Office Professional