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Summer Academy

Program Overview


Welcome to the Ritenour School District Summer Academy!  

Ritenour School District Summer Academy takes place from June 5 - July 6, 2023.  Ritenour’s summer programs are designed to provide extra support and continued learning for students. Lunch is provided daily and bus transportation is available.

Read all grade-specific summer academy letters sent to families who signed up.

Summer School Classes 2023 

The Ritenour Summer Academy Program provides academic interventions/learning experiences in reading and mathematics for Ritenour students in grades K-8 and credit recovery and enrichment courses for Ritenour students in grades 9-12. The length of the program is twenty instructional days for grades 9-12 and sixteen instructional days in grades K-8. The goals of the program include the following:  

  • Student academic progress will be assessed to support the identification of those most in need of summer intervention.
  • Intervention programs, aligned with student needs, will be implemented and progress will be monitored on a weekly basis
  • Teachers will be trained to effectively implement interventions and also to support the building of positive student relationships
  • The program will focus on developing student self-efficacy for long-term sustainability of academic success
  • Data will be provided to school administrators to increase the potential for continued success during the school year.

Transportation and Nutrition Services (breakfast and lunch) are provided for K-12th grade students

Schedule (Monday through Thursday)
K-8: June 5th - July 6th (18 sessions)
RHS: June 5th - July 13, 2023 (22 sessions)
Husky Academy - June 5 - June 22, 2023
(no classes on Monday, June 19 or Tuesday, July 4)


Please contact your child’s teacher or school if you have questions about enrolling for Ritenour Summer Academy. Click on the links below for more information: 

Middle School Current Grades 5-7 (rising grades 6-8)
Hoech Middle School:

Ritenour Middle School:

Register here for the RHS Summer Academy

Grades K-7 ELL Language and Vocabulary Development Program

Reading and Math for Excellence K-4


Ritenour Summer Academy is for students in grades K-12

Summer Academy Schedules





 8:15 - 8:30 a.m.

 11:15 - 11:45 a.m.

 8:30 - 11:15 a.m.

 Middle Schools

 9 - 9:30 a.m.

 12 - 12:30 p.m.

 9:30 - 12 p.m.

 High School

 7-7:30 a.m.

 10:30 - 10:45 a.m.
 Grab & Go Lunch

 Class #1 - 7:30 -10:30 a.m.
 Class #2 - 10:45 a.m.- 1:45 p.m.
 Class #3 - 2-5 p.m.

Husky Academy: June 5 - June 22, 8-11 a.m.
IWC uses the middle school schedule. Students ride the bus with the middle school students (Hoech).
9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday